Reproductive Disorders

Infertility Treatments in Washington, DC

Our endocrinologists are often part of a team of The GW Medical Faculty Associates physicians providing the most current and creative strategies to help couples with infertility issues that include absent or irregular menstrual cycles, abnormal sperm production, failure to conceive or frequent miscarriages in early pregnancy. We also monitor and treat medical conditions such as diabetes and thyroid disorders during pregnancy.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Increased Androgens

Women who have irregular or absent menses along with facial hair growth or acne may have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which also can cause difficulty in conceiving.

The treatment of PCOS should be individualized to match the woman’s primary concerns. An oral contraceptive may be appropriate to regulate periods in a woman who is not trying to become pregnant. However, if the woman is trying to conceive, we have alternative medications and approaches. In some women, PCOS is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes; sometimes we prescribe metformin, a medication commonly used to treat diabetes, to treat PCOS.

Androgen Deficiency

Sexual dysfunction in men (low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, infertility, and lack of spontaneous erections) and non-sexual problems such as low energy, depressed mood and sleeping problems may be due to a low testosterone level. Testosterone deficiency may be the result of an endocrine disorder involving the testes or pituitary, an underlying medical disorder or medications such as narcotics or steroids.

We diagnose low testosterone by measuring testosterone and other hormone levels. We can treat androgen deficiency with testosterone that is delivered by topical gels, patches or injections. Regular follow-up visits are recommended to monitor the dosage.